As the United State's debt increases at alarming rates as a result of ridiculous government overspending, concerns over rising interest rates causing inflation are growing. Fiat currency's inevitable failure is widely agreed upon by economists, however the question of what will be used as a global currency remains widely disputed. Most economists believe that Gold is the future of all currency, while some believe that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the future. To make clear my bias, I am a big believer in Bitcoin because it is much easier to transact than gold, and requires no middle man. So what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. "Decentralized" means that any Bitcoin that one owns is solely controlled by that person. No government, business, person, or hacker can seize that Bitcoin. It should also be noted that I use the term "Bitcoin" losely, and that I am referencing cryptocurrency in general when I say ...
The idea of capitalism is everyone competing against each other for monetary gain. This can sound evil, or even appear evil. With that being said, capitalism works better than any other economic system because competition improves quality, and creates competitive pricing. A system that allows for an incentive to profit on something that will improve society is crucial to a thriving civilization. Permissionless innovation is the reason most technological achievements have been created in the United States, as opposed to our more autocratic European counterparts. But doesn’t the idea of everyone working together to mutually benefit the collective sound heartwarming? This however, is called Communism/ Socialism/ Democratic Socialism. This system has never worked, will never work, and can never work as long as humans have the incentive to want to succeed, and compete. The reason I fundamentally believe that “socialism”/ “democratic socialism” / (whatever you want to call...